November 2013 Monthly Archives

Five Tips For Maintaining Your November Beard

Published by . Filed under Fashion, How To, Movember, Personal. Total of no comments in the discussion.

Congratulations lads, you’ve done it. You’ve made it through the itching, the awkwardness, and the growing pains of letting your face mane fly to achieve the ultimate crown of Mother Nature’s affection. You’ve joined the ranks of lumberjacks, fishermen, and modern day dudes in a variety of tech-related fields. Taste triumph, or whatever remnants from […]


A Few Tweaks Oughta Do It

Published by . Filed under Full Disclosure, How To, Personal. Total of no comments in the discussion.

I redesigned and recoded the entire Bro Journey and I want to tell you about it. Everyone loves shouting on twitter about their amazing work and retweeting nice things people say, but I want to dive a little deeper into the entire process. More specifically, I want to show you where I went wrong while […]


Friendsgiving Vs. Thanksgiving

Published by . Filed under Full Disclosure, How To, Personal. Total of no comments in the discussion.

Thanksgiving is amazing. When else do you ever roast a giant bird indigenous to our country, soak old bread in delicious sh*t and then rebake it, and black out on f*cking cranberries1 (Note: That dressing description was rather awful, but we all now how pivotal it is in the Thanksgiving experience)?! It’s America at its […]


Five Tips for Starting a Blog

Published by . Filed under How To, Personal, Pop Culture. Total of no comments in the discussion.

Blogs are great. In fact, you’re on one right now and you might’ve not even noticed (note – if you were ignorant to this fact and were under the assumption that what you’re reading can be found in a physical magazine that arrived in your mailbox, please seek help or alert Doc Brown to being […]


Five Tips for Appreciating Whiskey

Published by . Filed under How To, Personal. Total of 2 comments in the discussion.

There are many adjectives that you can use to describe whiskey: warming, strong, bold, but my personal favorite is delicious. Men (and women) have been drinking whiskey for (reportedly) the past two thousand years and you can bet your bottom dollar that thousands of important decisions, pacts, and handshakes came about after imbibing some of […]


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