First Date Recap
by Jailhouse Sugar-Lips Washington (I seriously love the blues name thing)
As you probably know, I went on a first date on Tuesday. It was my first date in quite some time (I was like 17 when I last went on a first date) and without the help of my Bro Journey co-pilot I would have been doomed. So without further ado I wanted to give everyone the nitty gritty on the date and fill the internet in on an extremely personal part of my life. Ready…Set… Go…

This shit is CRAY!!!
It was a really great time.
You didn’t really think I was going to tell you MORE about it, did you? I mean, I live tweeted the thing. Creepers. I will tell you that the date was a blast and there were no awkward interchanges (ass-out hugs) and I didn’t have to break out my high school yearbook (what I normally do to impress girls) to show how cool I thought I was, nor did she. It was an excellent time.
Sadly, for you, this is where my love life ends on the internet (and your imagination can start running wild (that was really weird to write)). I will not be openly sharing, live tweeting or live instagramming any more of my adventures. I did want to thank all of your for the encouragement, texts, tweets and messages supporting me during such an awkward (but mostly awesome) experience. The date and I explored the Bro Journey during the date and she was only kind of mortified by the whole thing. Team Tallsome, FOR THE WIN!!
With all of that said, we are heading into the second date realm (SCORE) where you will have to just create hilarious situations in your mind because the #awkloveoctagon tag will no longer be used to document my every thought. If you want a full recap on the first date experience CLICK HERE to check out the tweets from Tuesday.
Since I’m leaving most of you with a formidable case of blue balls and not filling you in on the nitty gritty of the date, I wanted to share an epic album I stumbled upon this morning … MTV House Party 1998. Just put that on your PLAY NOW list on Spotify and let this day pass by with ease. Until next time Bro Journeyers…

A real CD that I was really given in real life. Amazing, I know.