December 2013 Monthly Archives

Why I LOVE January

Published by . Filed under Full Disclosure, Personal, Random. Total of no comments in the discussion.

EDITORS NOTE: This post is from my Mom, Big Pat. She is the gnarliest person in the entire world and today she is sharing some thoughts about why January is special. Give it a read, enjoy your last day in 2013 and get ready for a great start to 2014! Why I LOVE January by […]


Five Tips For Becoming a Runner

Published by . Filed under How To, Personal, Sports. Total of no comments in the discussion.

5K. 10K. 13.1. 26.2. Ultra. Super Ultra. All of these, except for maybe “super ultra,” are distances known to anyone who’s attempted becoming a runner at some point in their life. These are the building blocks of going from a winded bum who can’t finish a mile in fewer than 12 minutes to experiencing the […]


The Jason Derulo Power Hour

Published by . Filed under Music, Pop Culture, Random. Total of no comments in the discussion.

When I was living in my mom’s basement after I graduated college, I didn’t really do a whole lot. I drank a lot of Jameson and was re-introduced to pop music. (The town that housed our college had two radio stations, thankfully not Top 40 related.) With the intersection of some booze, being bored and […]


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